I got my first IC-7300 weeks after it was released in Japan. Direct import, plus shipping, customs clearance, GST on import. Put it on air in digital mode – and it was love at first sight. A few months later, I was visiting my brother overseas who also happens to be an amateur radio operator, and I gave him my IC-7300 as a present. The radio is small enough to be carried as carry on, but big enough to impress with it’s presence.

My brother loved it too. Actually, he set a number of country records in CQWW contest, in CW, SSB and RTTY. Upon return to Australia, I’ve regret gifting the radio, so I bought one from Ross.

The year was 2021 and I was about to move semi-permanently to Norfolk. My first contest from VK9 was CQWW CW. Operating an IC-7300 into a vertical antenna (fed by 60m of RG58!) I made 1,550 contacts, won first place in the world in the low power 40m unassisted category, and set the new all-time low power Oceania record. That record is still current. That was on 40m band, running less than 80W.

I was so impressed with IC7300 that I bought one more from Ross, as a spare. My brother did the same, and then he bought a third, so in no time, between the two of us, we had five IC7300.

All on air to this day, operating issue free, winning contests in all modes. Is an IC-7300 a good radio? You bet.

I believe this is genuinely the best deal on a brand new radio you’ll ever find, and even cheaper than what it sells for in the US. And if you still believe that there is more discount to be offered, I am happy to show you my invoice price. You will be shocked.

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