On the weekend, as the 160m band was ‘following’ the grey line, I was called by John, W5ZG.

It’s always nice to make it to Midwest USA on topband.

After the QSO, I went to check him out on QRZ.com.

WOW. A true vintage radio collector with rooms full of restored equipment. Only the best stuff! Couldn’t resist but to congratulate him on such a fine collection. John replied: what you see on QRZ is probably just one third of what I actually keep on display in other rooms.

Only in America!

According to his own words: “My primary interests are collecting and restoring vintage and historic tube / valve type gear, particularly Collins. Also like restoring large Henry console amplifiers. My career was related to aircraft and satellite reconnaissance between 1981-1997.

Since then I have been designing simulation / visualization systems. Retired to full time DXing and radio restoration in 2017. I also am interested in antique / classic automobiles, and Edison Cylinder phonographs.”

Super impressive. And that line-up of Henry 4K amps is just super cool.

The icing on the cake: John actually uses those vintage radios daily, and our 160m contact was no exception.

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