‘Let me pick your brain’ (matching the 160m Inverted L antenna) resulted in number of helpful suggestions. I’ve opted for one provided by Allan Mason:
“I use a coil in shunt feed and adjust the inductance by stretching and compressing the air spaced coil. Then adjust the length by folding back the end of the L or pruning. You do not need a capacitor. Here is a link: https://www.dj0ip.de/vertical-antennas/hairpin-match/“
It worked. Not winning any prizes for the most perfect hairpin coil ever (or should we call it ‘a shunt’?) but hey, getting the SWR to 1:1 was simply a matter of finding the right tap, some hardware work, a bit of soldering – a mere three hours of work. Beats the gym anytime.
There was another subject lesson to be learned on this project: a major discrepancy between the SWR reading of the antenna analyzer vs. the built-in SWR meters in the amplifier and IC-7700. Precisely 120KHz which is a massive disagreement on 160m band. Which instrument should be trusted? Obviously, with two agreeing and one at odds, the antenna analyzer has been rendered untrustworthy. At least for now.
There is something satisfying about seeing the SWR as low as possible. Of course, the antenna efficiency is another matter altogether. For amateurs, the ultimate performance tests are actual signal reports. And this is why FT8 is a priceless mode – a mode like no other: putting out a call yields immediate fireworks of reporters who can’t lie. A true experimenters mode.
The 160m band is an insomniacs paradise. For some reason, I am struggling with staying up late as well as getting up early, missing all the top-band action. But I really want that DXCC on 160m…
Do check out the DJ0IP article as recommended by Allan, good read.