When I saw Tom’s photos, I couldn’t help myself but to ask for permission to share them with you.

He replied quickly with a note that we’ve actually made 12 contacts in the past two years, on multiple bands, all modes.

Despite the lack of directional antennas, using just short low wires and verticals, and severely space-restricted, Thomas easily makes it to Norfolk island. Too easy one would say.

The reason for sharing: a textbook case of an urban setup where the amateur simply refuses to succumb and accept defeat.

Put it up, then put up one more! One can only imagine the unwanted coupling of dozens of antennas packed on a tiny roof, but hey – as long as RF juice is flowing, life is good. Need proof? How about 320 DXCC countries worked.

The shack is another story altogether: radios, amplifiers, antenna tuners, speakers, microphones and – as you would expect from a German – Morse keyers everywhere, all neatly piled up. Simply inspirational.

And as I was about to wrap up this short article on Thomas: I’ve found a photo of his workbench.

Mate, seriously?

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