IARU region 1 September VHF contest
Arguably, to all 144MHz aficionados, this is the most important contest of the year. A contest that attracts thousands of...
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And while we are lurking at the outer edge of the globe, here is another big one coming our way! CY9C St Paul Island expedition.
Ranked number 50 on the most wanted list, this is another hard one for us down under. I was happy to snatch CY9M in 2012 on 40m band, but that was more a matter of luck than skills.
But check this out: a pile of PowerGenius amplifiers ready to be put in action on St Paul next week!
I don’t need to remind you that DXing offers the most attractive deal on PGXL- only USD $5,500 (export sale).
If it is good for the world’s top DXers, surely it’s good for you!