Saint Pierre & Miquelon Islands are tiny islands in the north-east Atlantic, 240 sq kilometres in size and with a population of 6000. Mere 17,500 kilometres from Sydney! Not only far away, but the path edges on the aurora zone. Also, the propagations are highly seasonal. Due to weather, most activations take place during the northern hemisphere summer, which is rather less favourable to us. Combine those two factors with the third—FP is literally between London and California, and you can quickly see that making it into the TO8FP log is a serious challenge even for experienced and well equipped VK amateurs.
The online log search shows no VKs making it on any band below 30m.
I hope you’ve made it into the log (I almost missed them!) and if you haven’t yet, there are still two more days before the expedition is over. Operators: Tino VE2GCE, Mark VA2MM, Jonathan VA2XZA, John VE2YNI, Vlad VA2AN.
80 – 6m: CW, SSB, Digital Modes.
As a matter of curiosity: according to my QRZ search, there is one residential amateur on the island: Henry Lafitte, FP8HL. Have you worked him? Do let us know!