Last night all hell broke lose: it was them! Yes, those precious little ones; the most special, most skilled, most important amongst us all – the CW chasers!

“We don’t want to be bundled with FT8 robots, with those lazy digital mode chasers. We are real people who only use the real mode. We demand a category of our own!”

Hear, hear!

Happy to oblige. Here is the deal: DXing is more than happy to open a CW ONLY category for 2025 DXer of the Year competition.

Show us what you are made of, go hard, have fun.

First prize in CW ONLY category: a trophy and an NC1 headset valued at $488. I am yet to have a chat with Ranko, 4O3A about sponsorship, but if he has other plans, the headset will be donated by DXing. The prize is secured.

Now, taking into consideration the value of the prize, I need a reciprocal commitment. The minimum number of participants is 10. Get your noble Morse friends on board, invite them to join us and register.

1. PayPal $29 to

2. Accept the fair play clause (which is the same as the current competition): [see here]

3. Stay subscribed to this newsletter throughout 2025.

Quite frankly I doubt that you would muster a pitiful ten participants in a country where CW is as dead as a dodo. But if you do, I will publicly apologise.

There you go: early registration to our special CW friends is now officially open.

As you losers would say: CW4EVER


“Would we still have our own category if the total of registered participants is less then ten?”

– Hell no. The registration money and prize will be allocated to the FT8 crowd. You are special, so get off your CW bum and make it happen.

“What is an appropriate present to Gemma, as appreciation for her hard admin work?”

– Chocolates. Plenty of chocolates.

“If we fail to attract ten CW participants, would you make fun of us?”

– Absolutely not. But the rest of ham community surely will.

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