The sweet spot
Those of you who have been around for a while know this so well: for every location in the world, there is that 'sweet spot' where you are always loud, no matter what. Usually, it is the antipode of your location, a part of the...
VK3OT Scanned Log
"Hi Nick and Gemma,I was interested in the scanned log from Steve VK3OT as I noticed a QSO with Geoff GJ4ICD on 19 October 1991. At that time I was living in Jersey and knew Geoff quite well - he ran a TV and Video sales...
South doesn’t always suck!
"Hi Nick,Just read today's mail and noted your comments re 6m. I agree, 6m can be one of the most frustrating pursuits - ever! Without exaggeration, a few kilometres here or there is all it needs to make the difference, and it's not all down...
The good old days
Yesterday, I got a number of emails from 6m operators, including the band veterans. There was a lot of reminiscing about the 'good old days' - like amazing openings to Europe from VK2 and VK3. Steve, VK3OT sent pages of scanned log entries, phone and...
A very long path
The 6m opening on October 12 has been already declared as "the best in a century" by some serious chasers down under. Probably not - but definitely on par with some amazing openings from March and April of this year.The band opened very early in...
When the going gets tough… you need tough gear
Last weekend was the Oceania DX Phone Contest. Not a major competition on a global scale, but certainly a contest with a long standing tradition. Established in the 1930s as a VL/ZL contest, it carries on to this day, embracing the contesting spirit of the...
DXer of the year 2025 – CW only
To our surprise, we got eight registered entrants. Good old Morse rolling in his grave! However, we still need two more to officially introduce the CW ONLY category and assign the prize.To register: send $29 to 599QSY@gmail.com, accept the terms and conditions and notify us...
From Tokyo to Buenos Aires and beyond…
The past 24 hours have seen one of the most exciting 6m openings of this solar cycle: Japan and China rocking and rolling into South America.The path literally goes over my head so I could see hundreds of Japanese calling frantically. Absolutely amazing – the...