26 Aug

ACOM antenna tuner

Nothing beats that feeling of knowing that your "pride and joy" amplifier is pushing its power into a perfectly matched antenna. Unfortunately the reality is rarely a picture of a perfect match. For that reason, investing in an amplifier but not investing in a matching...
22 Aug


The 2S1 is a 'transceiver communicator' allowing conflict-free setup with either of the two transceivers driving one amplifier. It is specifically designed to be used with the ACOM 2000S valve amplifier. Of course, any two identical modern radios could be drivers, however the supplied cables...
22 Aug


The eBox is an active Ethernet device which directly integrates ACOM power amplifiers to the Ethernet networks (your local network or Internet). The eBox transfers commands and information back and forth - from the operator to the amplifier and vice versa. An essential piece of...
22 Aug

ACOM 04AT remote outdoors antenna tuner

Last week I shared photos of the 06AT tuner designed to sit next to your 500S / 700S / 1200S / 2020S LDMOS amplifiers.The 04AT is basically the same ‘thing’ except it is designed to be mounted outdoors, up to 100m from the amplifier.There are...

ACOM antenna tuner

Nothing beats that feeling of knowing that your "pride and joy" amplifier is pushing its power into a perfectly matched...


The 2S1 is a 'transceiver communicator' allowing conflict-free setup with either of the two transceivers driving one amplifier. It is...


The eBox is an active Ethernet device which directly integrates ACOM power amplifiers to the Ethernet networks (your local network...

ACOM 04AT remote outdoors antenna tuner

Last week I shared photos of the 06AT tuner designed to sit next to your 500S / 700S / 1200S...