26 Aug

They say, 'Never work on antennas alone!'

The 5 element yagi antenna for 6m band is up. I am not sure why the 'magic band' should not be touched before full retirement. Surely, the Japanese would appreciate a new one, but when the band is open, (almost) any antenna would do.Like earlier...
26 Aug

On the other side of the spectrum…

Rotary tower, 96 elements. W2RE remote QTH.Ray W2RE and WW2DX are co-owners of a Remote QTH business. Between them they have more than 60 towers and over 300 antennas for rent.
23 Aug

Not happy

Last night's inability to break the TX5S pileup on 80m was the last straw that broke the camels back. And a final moment of reckoning: my ground radial system suck.However, the bush around the antenna base is so impenetrable that stretching more radials is simply...

They say, ‘Never work on antennas alone!’

The 5 element yagi antenna for 6m band is up. I am not sure why the 'magic band' should not...

On the other side of the spectrum…

Rotary tower, 96 elements. W2RE remote QTH.Ray W2RE and WW2DX are co-owners of a Remote QTH business. Between them they...

Not happy

Last night's inability to break the TX5S pileup on 80m was the last straw that broke the camels back. And...