23 Aug

Devastating news

Remember last week I said there was a once in a life time opportunity to work Clipperton Island via IO-117 satellite and my prediction that satellites are fragile birds? Little did I know that that a day later, S5lab, the owner of IO-117 would issue...
23 Aug

A big one to watch for

Without any doubt, the most important DXpedition in the month of January is Clipperton Island TX5S.The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) is organizing a team of experienced DXpedition and contest operators to activate Clipperton Island (IOTA NA-011), currently ClubLog #38 most wanted (#26EU). The team will...

Devastating news

Remember last week I said there was a once in a life time opportunity to work Clipperton Island via IO-117...

A big one to watch for

Without any doubt, the most important DXpedition in the month of January is Clipperton Island TX5S.The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG)...