10 Oct

DXer of the year 2025 – CW only

To our surprise, we got eight registered entrants. Good old Morse rolling in his grave! However, we still need two more to officially introduce the CW ONLY category and assign the prize.To register: send $29 to 599QSY@gmail.com, accept the terms and conditions and notify us...
24 Sep

The nobleman of Ham Radio

Last night all hell broke lose: it was them! Yes, those precious little ones; the most special, most skilled, most important amongst us all - the CW chasers!"We don't want to be bundled with FT8 robots, with those lazy digital mode chasers. We are real...
23 Sep

DXer of the Year 2025

Map credit: IW5EDILet’s start with a super cool announcement: next year, in addition to DXCC countries, we will be chasing ZONES as well.For you who are new to chasing: the world is divided into 40 zones and to ‘work all zones’ means making one contact...
11 Sep

Only 3 months to go

On December 16 it will be history in the making: two Australian amateurs will receive a message from DXing: “Congratulations, you’ve won the $6,300 radio! Please advise your delivery address!” And on December 16, two brand new radios will make their way to two amazingly...
27 Aug

Doing it right

Getting into CY9C St Pauls expedition log was much easier than originally anticipated. For a few reasons: First, the team instantly delivered what they've promised. To be on the air, with multiple stations, on time. They are loud - a proof they know what it...
23 Aug

A big one to watch for

Without any doubt, the most important DXpedition in the month of January is Clipperton Island TX5S.The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) is organizing a team of experienced DXpedition and contest operators to activate Clipperton Island (IOTA NA-011), currently ClubLog #38 most wanted (#26EU). The team will...
22 Aug

Is all this for real?

An email hit our inbox this morning.“Honestly I might be getting a bit cynical (IC-7610 give away) because I doubt anyone ever wins these giveaway things. I entered via an ad on QRZ yesterday where I was required to subscribe to your newsletter to go...
22 Aug

So what is ‘the ultimate goal’ of amateur radio?

In short: no one can tell. The nerdiest hobby of all is simply so multifaceted that every amateur operator has their own reason why to invest time and money into it, seeking the ultimate reward.For some: it is to be the loudest signal on the...
21 Aug

Back to the roots

According to ClubLog data, around 140 Australian amateurs are serious or semi-serious DX chasers. They are actively involved in the pursuit of making long distance contacts all year round with the ultimate goal to 'work them all'.Compared to about 15,000 licensed amateurs, DXers present less...

DXer of the year 2025 – CW only

To our surprise, we got eight registered entrants. Good old Morse rolling in his grave! However, we still need two...

The nobleman of Ham Radio

Last night all hell broke lose: it was them! Yes, those precious little ones; the most special, most skilled, most...

DXer of the Year 2025

Map credit: IW5EDILet’s start with a super cool announcement: next year, in addition to DXCC countries, we will be chasing...

Only 3 months to go

On December 16 it will be history in the making: two Australian amateurs will receive a message from DXing: “Congratulations,...

Doing it right

Getting into CY9C St Pauls expedition log was much easier than originally anticipated. For a few reasons: First, the team...

A big one to watch for

Without any doubt, the most important DXpedition in the month of January is Clipperton Island TX5S.The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG)...

Is all this for real?

An email hit our inbox this morning.“Honestly I might be getting a bit cynical (IC-7610 give away) because I doubt...

So what is ‘the ultimate goal’ of amateur radio?

In short: no one can tell. The nerdiest hobby of all is simply so multifaceted that every amateur operator has...

Back to the roots

According to ClubLog data, around 140 Australian amateurs are serious or semi-serious DX chasers. They are actively involved in the...