9 Dec

Connecting PGXL amplifier to ICOM transceiver

While PGXL is 'native to the Flex environment,' interfacing with any radio transmitter is easy and straightforward.In the case of ICOM, the communication is via CI-V connection. Done in no time, in 3 easy steps.1. Physical connectionTwo cables are required. The first one is a...
4 Nov

Which antenna tuner should I get?

Tuner Genius XL S02R or Tuner Genius XL 3 Way?It is simple: If you are not into S02R contesting, then go for the 3-Way option. The price is the same.Today, we have a special deal: buy a PGXL amplifier for $9,900 and we’ll take $1,000...
4 Nov

Timing is everything

You have to be in it to win it. Yes, there is not much fun watching the ‘blue screen of death’, but this is precisely what chasing rare ones on 6m is all about. Character building patience!The faint trace on the spectrum turned out to...
4 Nov

Ham e-begging

If you are not familiar with the above term, or have not been a victim of cyber begging, then you should consider yourself lucky. You are doing everything socially right - so don't change!Unfortunately, the moment one steps out into public space, and become visible...
1 Nov

What a toy!

"Hello, I am contacting you on behalf of Greg (VK3UT) who recently won the ICOM IC-7610. My name is Emily (VK3EDM) and I am emailing you as Greg is not up to date with all the emailing side of things.Greg received the ICOM IC-7610 and...
31 Oct

The sunny side of the Alps

Slovenia is European country with a population of just over 2 million, situated east of Austria and north of Italy. As they call it: 'the land on the sunny side of the Alps'. Clean, safe, modern - a marvel of mountains, lakes, vistas and old-world...
25 Oct

And the winner is…

Congrats to Greg VK3UT, the winner of IC-7610 (serial no. 22003418) draw. Sir, your radio is ready for delivery! We hope it will serve you well in many years to come.To the 117 customers who have bought an ICOM transceiver this year from DXing -...
23 Oct

All in one’s own good time

6m is on fire, but this time we are not part of the action. Which is fair enough: if the band would open every day to the most remote corner of the globe, then there would be no magic.As I type this, the Japanese are...
21 Oct

Couldn’t have gone to a better HAM radio family

"Hello Gemma,Today I received the ICOM ID-52A.The radio is superb with a lot of functions and works perfectly. I am overjoyed and over the moon with such a valuable device.I would like to thank you very much for the present and extremely fast delivery.The sound...
21 Oct

PX0FF on 80m

“The RX “Loop-on-Ground” – 200m away from the powerline, but still catching the noise…”Almost every day, fifteen minutes before local sunset, a loud PX0FF appears on 80m band, CQing in my face. It would be an easy QSO - except, our expeditioners at Fernando De...
18 Oct

In focus

“It is just a piece of paper” they say, “of no value to anyone but yourself”. And maybe they are right. Plastering a wall with ham radio diplomas and awards is not what ham radio is all about.Yet that very piece of paper, is an...
17 Oct

The sweet spot

Those of you who have been around for a while know this so well: for every location in the world, there is that 'sweet spot' where you are always loud, no matter what. Usually, it is the antipode of your location, a part of the...
16 Oct

VK3OT Scanned Log

"Hi Nick and Gemma,I was interested in the scanned log from Steve VK3OT as I noticed a QSO with Geoff GJ4ICD on 19 October 1991. At that time I was living in Jersey and knew Geoff quite well - he ran a TV and Video sales...
16 Oct

South doesn't always suck!

"Hi Nick,Just read today's mail and noted your comments re 6m. I agree, 6m can be one of the most frustrating pursuits - ever! Without exaggeration, a few kilometres here or there is all it needs to make the difference, and it's not all down...
15 Oct

The good old days

Yesterday, I got a number of emails from 6m operators, including the band veterans. There was a lot of reminiscing about the 'good old days' - like amazing openings to Europe from VK2 and VK3. Steve, VK3OT sent pages of scanned log entries, phone and...
14 Oct

A very long path

The 6m opening on October 12 has been already declared as "the best in a century" by some serious chasers down under. Probably not - but definitely on par with some amazing openings from March and April of this year.The band opened very early in...
11 Oct

When the going gets tough... you need tough gear

Last weekend was the Oceania DX Phone Contest. Not a major competition on a global scale, but certainly a contest with a long standing tradition. Established in the 1930s as a VL/ZL contest, it carries on to this day, embracing the contesting spirit of the...
10 Oct

DXer of the year 2025 – CW only

To our surprise, we got eight registered entrants. Good old Morse rolling in his grave! However, we still need two more to officially introduce the CW ONLY category and assign the prize.To register: send $29 to 599QSY@gmail.com, accept the terms and conditions and notify us...
10 Oct

From Tokyo to Buenos Aires and beyond…

The past 24 hours have seen one of the most exciting 6m openings of this solar cycle: Japan and China rocking and rolling into South America.The path literally goes over my head so I could see hundreds of Japanese calling frantically. Absolutely amazing – the...
1 Oct

And the winner is…

Congratulations to Mile Strk 9A9Y, you are the lucky winner of our ID-52A radio draw!Please contact us at mail@dxing.com.au with your shipping address within 24 hours to claim your prize.A sincere thank you to all of our new overseas subscribers, we hope you will continue...

Connecting PGXL amplifier to ICOM transceiver

While PGXL is 'native to the Flex environment,' interfacing with any radio transmitter is easy and straightforward.In the case of...

Which antenna tuner should I get?

Tuner Genius XL S02R or Tuner Genius XL 3 Way?It is simple: If you are not into S02R contesting, then...

Timing is everything

You have to be in it to win it. Yes, there is not much fun watching the ‘blue screen of...

Ham e-begging

If you are not familiar with the above term, or have not been a victim of cyber begging, then you...

What a toy!

"Hello, I am contacting you on behalf of Greg (VK3UT) who recently won the ICOM IC-7610. My name is Emily...

The sunny side of the Alps

Slovenia is European country with a population of just over 2 million, situated east of Austria and north of Italy....

And the winner is…

Congrats to Greg VK3UT, the winner of IC-7610 (serial no. 22003418) draw. Sir, your radio is ready for delivery! We...

All in one’s own good time

6m is on fire, but this time we are not part of the action. Which is fair enough: if the...

Couldn’t have gone to a better HAM radio family

"Hello Gemma,Today I received the ICOM ID-52A.The radio is superb with a lot of functions and works perfectly. I am...

PX0FF on 80m

“The RX “Loop-on-Ground” – 200m away from the powerline, but still catching the noise…”Almost every day, fifteen minutes before local...

In focus

“It is just a piece of paper” they say, “of no value to anyone but yourself”. And maybe they are...

The sweet spot

Those of you who have been around for a while know this so well: for every location in the world,...

VK3OT Scanned Log

"Hi Nick and Gemma,I was interested in the scanned log from Steve VK3OT as I noticed a QSO with Geoff...

South doesn’t always suck!

"Hi Nick,Just read today's mail and noted your comments re 6m. I agree, 6m can be one of the most...

The good old days

Yesterday, I got a number of emails from 6m operators, including the band veterans. There was a lot of reminiscing...

A very long path

The 6m opening on October 12 has been already declared as "the best in a century" by some serious chasers...

When the going gets tough… you need tough gear

Last weekend was the Oceania DX Phone Contest. Not a major competition on a global scale, but certainly a contest...

DXer of the year 2025 – CW only

To our surprise, we got eight registered entrants. Good old Morse rolling in his grave! However, we still need two...

From Tokyo to Buenos Aires and beyond…

The past 24 hours have seen one of the most exciting 6m openings of this solar cycle: Japan and China...

And the winner is…

Congratulations to Mile Strk 9A9Y, you are the lucky winner of our ID-52A radio draw!Please contact us at mail@dxing.com.au with...