SunSDRD2DX [HF+6m+2m] comes in a professional looking package. The RF box is surprisingly, rather small – and begs an immediate compliment to the RF engineering team. The power cable, LAN and coax pigtail mini UHF to PL259 cables are included.

The basic setup is to connect the SunSDR box to PC via LAN.

A word of warning: keep in mind that half of your SDR radio is the PC itself. It may be tempting to simply download the software to your 20 years old PC already running dozens and dozens of applications. Please don’t. Instead, invest in a dedicated fast ‘SDR-only’ PC. Otherwise expect nothing but troubled, degraded and sluggish performance. Nothing will kill your enjoyment of SDR faster than that old PC.

Download the user manual from

Download and install ExpertSDR2 software for your OS.

[to be continued…]

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