“It is just a piece of paper” they say, “of no value to anyone but yourself”. And maybe they are right. Plastering a wall with ham radio diplomas and awards is not what ham radio is all about.

Yet that very piece of paper, is an undeniable testimony of one’s technical capability, skills and commitment. Above all – a fun and meaningful way to enjoy our multifaceted hobby.

If you are new to the hobby: there are three major diplomas worth chasing: the DXCC (work as many of 340 countries as possible), WAZ (work all 40 Zones), and WAS (work all 50 US states).

These awards are the most popular and recognized as such by the entire ham community. They come in many flavours: issued for a specific band, or a specific mode, or as a reward for multiband achievement, or even for confirmed contacts made at a certain power level.

After ten months on the tragic band, I am slowly inching towards my 6m band WAS. Currently, at exactly 40 states confirmed. Which is kind of to be expected for a moderate station.

The last ten are the hard ones. Yes, with an opening to the south, I would expect to log the four southern states. But Vermont and Delaware are tricky. A small ham population and rare openings would make the chase incredibly difficult. Maybe even impossible in this solar cycle. North and South Dakota are hard on any band, let alone on 50MHz. There are only 2130 licensed amateurs in SD and just 1502 in ND. Combined, less than half of a percent of all amateurs in America! Literally a handful of them are on 6m band.

And this is precisely what makes the chase exciting. With every ‘CQ’ call I put out, I live in the hope that it will be answered by a fellow amateur who will help me ‘score’ a new state.

Chasing dreams, pushing the envelope of what is possible. Having fun.

Of course, I am just treading the well established path of all those chasers before me who worked hard on their 6m WAS.

I got this vintage photo of VK3OT WAS list. There is something so cool about it that is impossible to describe to a non-chaser.

Of course, getting all 50 states from Victoria is significantly more difficult than from Norfolk.

Steve’s score oozes with ‘respect’ – and we really wish him a mega opening to the East coast of the US!

If not this cycle – then it will be the next one for sure!

So, have you completed your 6m WAS? Care to share your standings? Please do, we wait eagerly.

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