Author - DX Headquarters

This is just so much fun

This morning, I decided to have some fun on CB. CB stands for Citizen Band - no license to transmit required!The radio of choice: a handheld ICOM IC-41PRO, 5 Watts 80 channels UHF transceiver. One for myself, one for Andrew.The plan was to see what...

W5ZG: The vintage radio collector.

On the weekend, as the 160m band was 'following' the grey line, I was called by John, W5ZG.It's always nice to make it to Midwest USA on topband.After the QSO, I went to check him out on A true vintage radio collector with rooms...

It’s worth it!

Over the past couple of weeks, a number of subscribers reached out asking: how can I get an amateur radio license? Before I can answer that question directly, a bit of an intro.Amateur radio is all about wireless communications - essentially, receiving and transmitting radio...

160m band is bloody hard work!

Where do we start? An acre block? A tall tower? Countless radials? More room for beverages?And worst of all - if that wasn't enough - in the Southern Hemisphere, the top band season is summer.Welcome to the world of noise fighters, QRN aficionados and insomniacs.Commonly...

Selling the dream

In 1967, Hallicrafters released a new receiver, the SX-122A. A sophisticated piece of equipment, to be sold to a sophisticated customer. While the radio offered plenty to brag about, the advertisement appearing in radio magazines depicted a young listener, in front of a map of...

Can IC-705 be used on Green Cube satellite?

A subscriber asked. Recently he bought 705 (not from me!) and he is considering 9700.The short answer is yes. The 705 has dual USB virtual port so setting up Doppler frequency control and digital modem is the same as on 9700. However, IC-705 is only...

Remote operation

Setting up a remotely operated station is a thing which separates casual amateurs with pros.Not terribly difficult, but for most (myself included) there is a steep learning curve. Now, you may say - I have no real need for remote operation because I don't have...

Best return on your radio investment

There are three types of amateur radio operators: tech nerds who make their own stuff. To them: respect! When they talk, I listen and take notes. They are smart people who we should thank that we, ordinary hams, have a hobby.The second group are those...

Your feedback, part 3

Yesterday’s newsletter generated two emails. The first one was more of a general observation, while the second one was a satellite related question."Ha, I've got you - the purpose of your GreenCube tutorial is to sell me a radio!"Quite frankly, I thought that was obvious....