2 Sep

Your footsteps are everywhere!

Humans cheat. Research tells us that on average, around 20% of men are unfaithful to their spouse, as compared to 13% of women. And if we can justify cheating and lying to those who are closest to us, there is really no moral or social...
30 Aug

SuperFox is not a magic bullet

On day one of Jarvis island activation, observing the rate and operating technique, it has become apparent that SuperFox mode is not in any way superior to Fox/Hound or the MSHV version of FT8.The logging rate was rather average, and with decoding, there was no...
28 Aug


Yesterday I reached out to Dave, VK0DS on Antarctica. Dave is super active making thousands of chasers happy. Regardless of band and mode, VK0 is a great catch. Would it be possible to snatch him on 6m? Here is his reply:"Hi Nick, no luck on...
27 Aug

The art of paper QSLing

Many years ago, I was a part-time QSL card handler for YU7 call area. There were more than 300 individual calls on the books, and around 50 clubs. That was fun: Unpacking and sorting boxes of cards arriving from QSL bureaus worldwide. Today, paper cards...
27 Aug

Doing it right

Getting into CY9C St Pauls expedition log was much easier than originally anticipated. For a few reasons: First, the team instantly delivered what they've promised. To be on the air, with multiple stations, on time. They are loud - a proof they know what it...
26 Aug

It’s good, it’s Honda

Honda has been in the generators business since the 1980s. Today it is regarded as a leader in the field - especially in a small, portable, quiet, and reliable domestic generators. No wonder, a first choice for many radio amateurs who love their portable work.If...
26 Aug

Leave it on and be amazed!

You’ve paid for it, so you may as well use it. Let it run! You never know what you are going to catch.I am talking about parking your receiver on FT8 frequency, and letting it decode overnight – or over a week.The more obscure the...
26 Aug

I wish I could

Yesterday, the parcel finally arrived. A long anticipated delivery of an electronic piece of equipment, for a very specific purpose, that has the potential to take my enjoyment of ham radio to next level.I literally ripped the box open. The quality of the build, accessories...
26 Aug

Don’t miss it! TO8FP

Saint Pierre & Miquelon Islands are tiny islands in the north-east Atlantic, 240 sq kilometres in size and with a population of 6000. Mere 17,500 kilometres from Sydney! Not only far away, but the path edges on the aurora zone. Also, the propagations are highly...
26 Aug

The choice should be yours and yours only

“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member”. Arguably the most famous Marx Groucho quote. And definitive proof that Marx was a ham.This is us. We want to be part of a club, a community, society, forum, a movement. But...
26 Aug

It’s simple: we want more overseas business!

Over the next few months, our intention is to open our shop doors to overseas customers. We will be putting our hand up, flying our banner and seeking new subscribers.For that reason, we have a new give-away offer: a chance to win a brand new...
26 Aug

6m band on fire (again!)

Has the season started? Judging by the massive opening to Japan it definitely has. The band opened at around 2pm in the afternoon and remained producing scores of Japanese, Korean and the odd Chinese stations until 11pm! That is 9 solid hours of fun. Once...
26 Aug

This is just crazy!

Today, the daily solar flux index (SFI) has hit 336! This is a sign that we are nearing the solar maximum sometime next year. Also, it means plenty of openings on high HF bands. Plenty of exciting contacts – even for QRP operators running low...
26 Aug

Get ready!

Arguably, the most important DXpedition of the year.KH5 ranks seventeenth on the most wanted list. It consists of two islands: Palmyra and Jarvis. While the larger Palmyra atoll has been activated numerous times in the past, in almost 80 years there have only been two...
26 Aug

I was wrong (again!)

Since the installation of the 10m Yagi, most of the activity nowadays is on 10m phone. It has been a while since I've actually talked to fellow amateurs.Couple of interesting findings: first, the widespread use of IC-7300 as a main (and often the only!) modern...
26 Aug

The last human band

The worst is finally behind us - the dreaded June! Adios to the lowest point of the yearly DX chasing cycle.It is amazing what a difference a couple of weeks can make to HF propagations. While the high bands are only open during the daytime...
26 Aug

Logbook of the World

Updated 4/6/2024“On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated network attack by a malicious international cyber group. ARRL immediately involved the FBI and engaged with third party experts to investigate.This serious incident was extensive and categorized by the FBI as...
26 Aug

RASA announces New FREE Foundation Level Study Guide

"This new, innovative learning resource is targeted at newcomers preparing to sit the Foundation Level exams under the Amateur Radio Class Licence.Like all our resources, this is free and available to everyone. You don’t need to be a member, and you don’t need to pay;...

Your footsteps are everywhere!

Humans cheat. Research tells us that on average, around 20% of men are unfaithful to their spouse, as compared to...

SuperFox is not a magic bullet

On day one of Jarvis island activation, observing the rate and operating technique, it has become apparent that SuperFox mode...


Yesterday I reached out to Dave, VK0DS on Antarctica. Dave is super active making thousands of chasers happy. Regardless of...

Five reasons why you should think twice before getting seriously involved in ham radio

1. Competitive, high performance equipment is expensive.Surely, you can have heaps of fun making contacts with a $300 second hand...

The art of paper QSLing

Many years ago, I was a part-time QSL card handler for YU7 call area. There were more than 300 individual...

Doing it right

Getting into CY9C St Pauls expedition log was much easier than originally anticipated. For a few reasons: First, the team...

It’s good, it’s Honda

Honda has been in the generators business since the 1980s. Today it is regarded as a leader in the field...

Leave it on and be amazed!

You’ve paid for it, so you may as well use it. Let it run! You never know what you are...

I wish I could

Yesterday, the parcel finally arrived. A long anticipated delivery of an electronic piece of equipment, for a very specific purpose,...

August 26 – September 5, 2024 St Paul Island CY9C DXpedition

And while we are lurking at the outer edge of the globe, here is another big one coming our way!...

Don’t miss it! TO8FP

Saint Pierre & Miquelon Islands are tiny islands in the north-east Atlantic, 240 sq kilometres in size and with a...

The choice should be yours and yours only

“I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member”. Arguably the most famous Marx Groucho quote....

It’s simple: we want more overseas business!

Over the next few months, our intention is to open our shop doors to overseas customers. We will be putting...

6m band on fire (again!)

Has the season started? Judging by the massive opening to Japan it definitely has. The band opened at around 2pm...

This is just crazy!

Today, the daily solar flux index (SFI) has hit 336! This is a sign that we are nearing the solar...

Get ready!

Arguably, the most important DXpedition of the year.KH5 ranks seventeenth on the most wanted list. It consists of two islands:...

I was wrong (again!)

Since the installation of the 10m Yagi, most of the activity nowadays is on 10m phone. It has been a...

The last human band

The worst is finally behind us - the dreaded June! Adios to the lowest point of the yearly DX chasing...

Logbook of the World

Updated 4/6/2024“On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated network attack by a malicious international...

RASA announces New FREE Foundation Level Study Guide

"This new, innovative learning resource is targeted at newcomers preparing to sit the Foundation Level exams under the Amateur Radio...